Certificate Course in Defending officer ( රැකවරණ නිලධාරීන් සඳහා සහතිකපත්‍ර පාඨමාලාව )

මෙය වන විට රැකවරණ නිලධාරීන්ගේ සේවාවේ අවශ්‍යතාවය වැඩි වී ඇති නමුත් දැනට රැකවරණ නිලධාරී සේවයේ කටයුතු කරන නිලධාරීන්ගේ සංඛ්‍යාව අඩුවී ඇති බව පෙනී ගොස් ඇති නිසා ජාතික ශ්‍රම අධ්‍යයන ආයතනය රැකවරණ නිලධාරීන් සඳහා සහතිකපත්‍ර පාඨමාලාවක් ආරම්භ කිරීමට පියවර ගෙන ඇත.

දැනට රැකවරණ නිලධාරී සේවයේ යෙදී සිටින සහ රැකවරණ නිලධාරී සේවයට එක්වීමට අපේක්‍ෂාවෙන් සිටින නිලධාරීන්ට මෙය ඉතා ප්‍රයෝජනවත් වනු ඇත.

රජය හා පෞද්ගලික අංශයේ නීති රෙගුලාසි පිළිබඳ දැනුම අවබෝධය ලබා දීම හා ප්‍රායෝගික කුසලතාවයන් ඉහල නැංවීමට කටයුතු කරනු ලැබේ.

පහත ලින්ක් (Link) එකෙන් අදම ලියාපදිංචි වන්න.


Advanced Certificate in Labour Law and Industrial Relations – Tamil

Unlock the secrets of the modern workplace with our Advanced Certificate in Labour Law and Industrial Relations! This comprehensive course offers a deep dive into the complexities of employment law, covering everything from contracts and terms of employment to health and safety regulations. Explore critical issues such as sexual harassment, trade union laws, and emerging trends like COVID-19 impacts.
Gain practical insights into collective bargaining, dispute resolution, and retirement benefits while understanding your rights and responsibilities as an employee or employer. With expert-led modules on family-friendly policies, employment of women and children, and international labour standards, you’ll be equipped to navigate and shape the future of work.
Join us to enhance your expertise and make a meaningful impact in the world of labour and industrial relations!

Register Now – https://forms.gle/bRo6jA3YqvtixSus7

Diploma in Human Resource Management

Invest your valuable time after completing your A/L in achieving successful career goals. Join us to build your career with our Human Resource Management Diploma Course
This diploma course is designed to equip participants with practical knowledge and skills in human resource management. It covers key areas such as recruitment and selection, employee relations, performance management, training and development, and compliance with labor laws. Ideal for those of you who aspire to achieve successful goals as human resource management professionals, this program blends theoretical foundations with real-world applications to enhance strategic decision-making and effective people management.

Apply Now – https://forms.gle/RMVrhXWGWWZ3Howv6

How to Use the NILS Student Portal

Sinhala – Click Here

First Page Overview – www.nils.gov.lk 


The NILS Student Portal homepage is divided into two sections:

1. New Student Section

2. Current Students Section

New Student Section

New Student Registration:

Use the “New Student Registration” button if you are a new student.

You will need a Pay and Get Registration Number to proceed.

After clicking the button, fill in your details as required to complete the registration process.

Current Students Section

Online Payment Portal:

Current students can access the Online Payment Portal by clicking the designated button.

This will take you to the NILS Payment Portal for slip submission.

Payment Slip Submission Process

In the Payment Portal, you will find buttons for specific programs:

1. Diploma Payment

2. Certificate Course Payment

3. 1 Day, 2 Day, 3 Day, 4 Day, 5 Day, and Other Programs

Example for Diploma Students:

Click the Diploma Payment button.

This will navigate you to the Diploma Payment Slip Submission Portal.

Upload your payment slip here.

After Submission

Our team will review your payment slip.

If there are any errors, we will notify you for corrections.

That’s all you need to do!

රියැදුරන්ගේ කුසලතා සංවර්ධනය

ආරක්ෂාකාරී රිය පැදවීම මාර්ග අනතුරු අවම කර ගැනීමට අවශ්‍ය සාධකයක් වේ. නිවැරැදිව රිය ධාවනයේ දී අනූගමනය කල යුතු ආචාර ධර්ම මෙන්ම විවිධ වර්ණ, සංකේත සහ මාර්ග සංඥා පිළිබඳ අවබෝධය මෙන්ම හදිසි අනතුරු වළක්වා ගැනීමට අවශ්‍ය මාර්ගෝපදේශනය සැපයීම සහ වාහනය නිවරදිව නඩත්තුවට උපදෙස් මෙම පාඨමාලාවට සහභාගීවන්නන්හට ලැබෙනු ඇත.

රියදුරන්ගේ කුසලතා සංවර්ධනය පිළිබඳ දෙදින වැඩමුළුව 2025 / 02 / 24, 25 දින පැවැත්වේ.

දැන්ම අයදුම් කරන්න – https://forms.gle/HgadkPJgBC1mK24F8

Human Resource Management and Labour Law with our Advanced Diploma course

Gain in-depth knowledge and hands-on expertise in Human Resource Management and Labour Law with our Advanced Diploma course. Designed for professionals seeking to enhance their strategic HR and legal acumen, this course equips you with the practical skills to navigate complex workplace issues and drive organizational success. Ideal for HR managers, supervisors, and legal advisors, it blends theory with real-world applications to ensure you’re ready for today’s evolving labor market.

Register Now : https://forms.gle/hqeDEDPiQJBjUwgC9

Diploma in Business Management

Duration: 1 Year
Medium: English
Mode: Online
Commencement Date: 26th January 2025
Class Schedule: Every Thursday and Sunday, 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM

Course Fee:

Standard Fee: Rs. 96,000
Special Discount: Rs. 48,000 (50% OFF)
Installment Plan Available: Rs. 8,000 x 6

Payment Instructions
To secure your enrollment, kindly pay the first installment of the course fee on or before 22nd January 2025.

Bank Details:

Account No: 0071451995
Bank & Branch: BOC, Narahenpita
Account Name: National Institute of Labour Studies
Payment Confirmation
After making the payment, please share an image of your deposit slip or receipt via:

Email: info@nils.lk (include your name, mobile number, and diploma name in the email).
WhatsApp: 075 616 2855 (mention your name and diploma name in the remarks or description column).

For Further Assistance
Feel free to contact Ms. Krishnima at 071 795 7777 for any inquiries.

Don’t miss this opportunity to elevate your career! 🎯

Register Now

National Institute of Labour Studies  – Diploma Awards Ceremony 2024

Press Release

National Institute of Labour Studies  – Diploma Award Ceremony 2024

The National Institute of Labour Studies, which operates under the Ministry of Labour, is an established statutory institution founded under the National Institute of Labour Studies Act No. 2010/12. It conducts training programs focusing on various areas, including Industrial Relations, Human Resource Management, Productivity, Labour Laws, and Social Dialogue, targeting the workforce and employers. Accordingly, it offers diploma courses, certificate courses, and short-term programs, and all arrangements have been made to hold the Diploma Award Ceremony – 2024. The details of the event are as follows:

  • Date: 24th December 2024
  • Time: 9:30 AM – 1:00 PM
  • Venue: Main Hall, Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall
  • Presided by: Mr.Anil Jayantha Fernando, Minister of Labour, and Mr.Mahinda Jayasinghe, Deputy Minister of Labour

During this Diploma Award Ceremony, 375 recipients will be awarded diplomas for the following courses:

  • Diploma in Labour Law and Industrial Relations
  • Diploma in Practical Applications of Labour Law
  • Diploma in Human Resource Management
  • Diploma in Business Administration
  • Diploma in Public Procurement and Contract Administration

Additionally, 300 individuals who completed the professional certificate courses targeting the staff of foreign employment agencies and health professionals will also be awarded certificates on the same day.

Through this initiative, the National Institute of Labour Studies continues to produce professionals who contribute to national development by maintaining industrial harmony and peace.


                                      මාධ්‍ය නිවේදනය

ජාතික ශ්‍රම අධ්‍යයන ආයතනයේ ඩිප්ලෝමා ප්‍රදානෝත්සවය – 2024

කම්කරු අමාත්‍යංශය යටතේ ඇති ජාතික ශ්‍රම අධ්‍යයන ආයතනය අංක 2010 / 12 දරණ ජාතික ශ්‍රම අධ්‍යයන පනත යටතේ ස්ථාපිත ව්‍යවස්ථාපිත ආයතනයකි. ශ්‍රම බලකාය සහ සේවා යෝජකයින් ඉලක්ක කර ගනිමින් කාර්මික සබඳතා, මානව සම්පත් කළමනාකරණය, ඵලදායීතාවය, කම්කරු නීති සහ සමාජ කතිකාවත යනාදී ක්ෂේත්‍ර ගණනාවක දැනුවත් කිරීම සඳහා පුහුණු පාඨමාලා පවත්වනු ලබයි. ඒ අනුව ඩිප්ලෝමා, සහතිකපත්‍ර සහ කෙටිකාලීන පාඨමාලා පවත්වන අතර ඊට අදාළ ඩිප්ලෝමා ප්‍රදානෝත්සවය – 2024 පැවැත්වීමට සියලුම කටයුතු සංවිධානය කර ඇත. ඩිප්ලෝමා ප්‍රදානෝත්සවයට අදාළ විස්තර පහත පරිදි වේ.

  • දිනය – 2024/12/24
  • වේලාව – පෙ.ව 09.30 – 1.00
  • ස්ථානය – බණ්ඩාරනායක අනුස්මරණ සම්මන්ත්‍රණ ශාලාවේ ප්‍රධාන ශාලාව
  • ප්‍රධානත්වය – කම්කරු අමාත්‍ය අනිල් ජයන්ත ප්‍රනාන්දු මැතිතුමා සහ කම්කරු නියෝජ්‍ය අමාත්‍ය මහින්ද ජයසිංහ මැතිතුමා

මෙම ඩිප්ලෝමා ප්‍රදානෝත්සවයේ දී පහත පාඨමාලාවන්ට අදාළ ඩිප්ලෝමාධාරින් 375 කට  ඩිප්ලෝමා සහතික පත්‍ර ලබාදෙනු ඇත.

  •  කම්කරු නීති හා කාර්මික සබඳතා පිළිබඳ ඩිප්ලෝමාව
  • කම්කරු නීතියේ ප්‍රායෝගික යෙදීම් පිළිබඳ ඩිප්ලෝමාව
  • මානව සම්පත් කළමනාකරණ ඩිප්ලෝමාව
  • ව්‍යාපාර පරිපාලනය පිළිබඳ ඩිප්ලෝමාව
  • රාජ්‍ය ප්‍රසම්පාදනය හා කොන්ත්‍රාත් පරිපාලනය පිළිබඳ ඩිප්ලෝමාව

තවද සෞඛ්‍ය වෘත්තිකයන් යන විදේශ රැකියා නියෝජිත ආයතනවල කාර්ය මණ්ඩලය ඉලක්ක කර ගනිමින් පැවැත්වූ වෘත්තිමය සහතිකපත්‍ර පාඨමාලා ලාභීන් 300 කට ද එදින සහතික පත්‍ර ලබා දෙනු ඇත.

කාර්මික සාමය සහ සංහිඳියාව පවත්වා ගනිමින් ජාතික සංවර්ධනයට උරදෙන වෘත්තිකයින් බිහි කිරීමට මේ අනුව ජාතික ශ්‍රම අධ්‍යයන ආයතනය කටයුතු කර ඇත.


ஊடக வெளியீடு

தேசிய தொழில் கற்கைகள் நிறுவகத்தின் டிப்ளோமா சான்றிதழ் வழங்கும் விழா – 2024

தொழில் அமைச்சின் கீழ் செயல்படும் தேசிய தொழில் கற்கைகள் நிறுவகம் 2010/12 ஆம் ஆண்டு சட்டத்தின் கீழ் நிறுவப்பட்ட சட்டபூர்வமான நிறுவகம் ஆகும். தொழிலாளர் சமூகம் மற்றும் சேவை வழங்குநர்களை இலக்கு வைத்து, தொழில்துறை உறவுகள், மனிதவள முகாமைத்துவம், உற்பத்தித்திறன், தொழிலாளர் சட்டங்கள் மற்றும் சமூக உரையாடல் உள்ளிட்ட பல துறைகளில் விழிப்புணர்வை  அளிக்கும் பயிற்சிகளை  வழங்குகின்றது. அதன்படி, டிப்ளோமா பாடநெறிகள், சான்றிதழ் பாடநெறிகள் மற்றும் குறுகிய கால பாட நெறிகள்  நிறுவகம்  மூலம் நடாத்தபட்டு வருகின்றன.  அந்தவகையில்  2024 ஆம்  ஆண்டிற்கான   டிப்ளோமா சான்றிதழ்  வழங்கும் விழாவிற்கான  சகல  ஏற்பாடுகளும் செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளன. 

டிப்ளோமா சான்றிதழ் வழங்கும் விழாவின் விபரங்கள் பின்வருமாறு:

  • திகதி : 2024/12/24
  • நேரம் : காலை 9:30 முதல்  பிற்பகல் 1:00 வரை
  • இடம் : பண்டாரநாயக்கா ஞாபகார்த்த சர்வதேச மாநாட்டு மண்டபம் (BMICH)
  • தலைமை : தொழில் அமைச்சர் திரு.அனில் ஜயந்த பெர்னாண்டோ மற்றும் தொழில் பிரதி அமைச்சர்  திரு.மகிந்த ஜயசிங்க அவர்களின் பங்கேற்புடன்  நடைபெறவுள்ளது.

அதன்படி டிப்ளோமா சான்றிதழ் வழங்கும் விழாவிற்கு பின்வரும் டிப்ளோமா பாடநெறிகளுள்  375 டிப்ளோமாதாரிகளுக்கு டிப்ளோமா சான்றிதழ் வழங்கப்படவுள்ளது:

  • தொழிலாளர் சட்டங்கள் மற்றும் கைத்தொழில் துறை உறவுகள் தொடர்பான டிப்ளோமா
  • செயல் முறை ரீதியான தொழிலாளர் சட்டங்கள்  தொடர்பான  டிப்ளோமா
  • மனிதவள முகாமைத்துவம் டிப்ளோமா
  • வியாபார முகாமைத்துவம் டிப்ளோமா
  • அரச கொள்முதல் மற்றும் ஒப்பந்த மேலாண்மை தொடர்பான டிப்ளோமா

மேலும், சுகாதாரத் துறைசார் ஊழியர்கள் மற்றும் வெளிநாட்டு வேலை வாய்ப்பு முகவர் நிறுவனங்களில் பணிபுரியும் நிர்வாகிகள் உள்ளிட்ட 300க்கு மேற்பட்ட  பயிற்சியாளர்களுக்கும்  தொழில் சார் பாடநெறிகளுக்கான சான்றிதழ்களும் வழங்கப்படவுள்ளது.

தொழில்துறை அமைதி மற்றும் நல்லிணக்கத்தை மேம்படுத்தி தேசிய முன்னேற்றத்தில் பங்களிப்பு செய்யும் நோக்கில் தொழில்துறை நிபுணர்களை உருவாக்குவதற்கு தேசிய தொழில் கற்கைகள் நிறுவகம் தொடர்ந்தும் செயற்படும்..